• [心情短语] 阳光心态英文短句 发表日期:2019-03-12

    1、While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。 2、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕。林肯美国) 3、Never underestimate your power to change yoursel...

  • [早安心语] 英文早安问候语 发表日期:2019-03-06

    1、Never put your happiness in someone else's hands. 永远不要把自己的幸福放到别人的手中。 2、If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. 如果把我们能做到的都做了,最终连我们自己都会被吓到。 3、If...

  • [唯美句子] 给闺蜜的英文暖心句子 发表日期:2018-06-24

    1.Keep me safe while I sleep. 我睡着的时候 。要给我安全感 2.No matter how much I practice, I can't make drawings of you pretty enough. 无论我练习多少次,都不能够充分的画出你的美 3.Everything is always more beautiful reflected in your eyes....

  • [爱情句子] 唯美爱情英文句子 发表日期:2017-08-11

    1、Meet with you, is my best lucky 与你相遇,是我最好的幸运 2、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride. 没心没肺地笑,只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。 3、I reversed the entire world,only put your reflection right. 我颠倒了整个世界,只为...

  • [早安心语] 励志英文的早安心语 发表日期:2017-01-10

    1、Sometimes you just have to step forward, and move on..no questions, no doubts, no looking back.. Just move on. 有时你不得不迎上前去,保持前进...不问理由,不要猜疑,不要踌躇...只保持前进。 2、I always wonder what crosses your mind when y...

  • [爱情句子] 优美伤感英文爱情句子 发表日期:2016-11-23

    1、Fading is true while flowering is past .凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去。 2、After the pain had no pain, there are only a cold heart.痛过之后就不会痛了,有的只是一颗冷漠的心。 3、When you can't remember why you're hurt,that's when you're...

  • [哲理句子] 英文爱情哲理句子 发表日期:2016-11-09

    1.The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned. 不求回报的爱是最持久的爱。 2.Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. love只是一个单词而已,直到有一天有一个人来到了你的世界并且赋予了意义。...

  • [心情短语] 正能量英文说说心情短语 发表日期:2016-11-07

    1、Smile and keep being fabulous are the best ways to get revenge on your haters. They hate to see you like that对讨厌你的人最好的反击是,保持微笑和光芒四射,他们最不希望看到这样的你! 2、Sometimes when I say I'm ok I just want some one to...