• [初中英语作文] 新年晚会 New Year Party 发表日期:2016-02-21

    On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a s...

  • [演讲致辞] 教师节文艺晚会 开场白及结束语 发表日期:2015-09-07

    开场白: 男:各位来宾、女士们、先生们,晚上好!欢迎大家来到校园广播之声,庆祝第20个教师节。 女:又是丹桂飘香的季节,又是天高云淡的秋季,教师们开始了辛勤的耕耘,学子们开始了新的学年。第二十个教师节带着秋的神韵向我们走来。难忘的学生时代,难忘...

  • [初中英语作文] 英语晚会 An English Evening 发表日期:2015-06-12

    We had an English Evening yesterday. there were many performances. Almost everyone took part in it. Miss Tang joined us. She sang us some nice English songs, we enjoyed her sweet voice very much. Helen's recitation was so good that she gav...

  • [经典台词] 中秋晚会主持台词 发表日期:2012-09-27

    女:秋风送爽,中秋月更圆。踏着时代的鼓点,我们又共同迎来了一年一度的中秋佳节。 男:华灯绽放,天涯共此时。在这个万家团聚的节日里,我们大家庭又欢聚在一起,共享这明月,共赏这美景。 女:此时此刻,天上的嫦娥想必也悄悄地探出头来,羡慕地注视着我...
