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河流污染 River Pollution

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2015-02-28

There are many kinds of pollution everywhere. Such as air pollution, soil pollution, river pollution and so on.


In my memory, though my hometown is a small village, it is very beautiful. When I was small, I liked to caught fish in the river, the water was so clean that I could see the fish. As I miss my hometown so much, last week, I went back to my hometown, I found the place in my memory was not like what it was. The trees were not that numerous, the roads became bigger, while there was less place for the river, I saw some dead fish in the river, the water was dirty, the river pollution was so serious! I couldn’t believe it, the beautiful hometown was destroyed by the pollution, it is people’s ambition results in it, they chase for the profit at the cost of polluting the environment. I wish people can pay attention to protect the environment, they are saving themselves, too.



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