• [早安心语] 微信早安心语短句 发表日期:2017-02-22

    1、有时你不经意的一句话,会影响我一天的心情,你可能是随便的一说,但我却认真的难过了。 2、一个姑娘最迷人的时候,就是她不爱你的时候。 3、人海茫茫,岁月尚长,别回头也别将就,保持优雅的自己,自然会有良人来爱你。 4、好的感情,不是一下子就把你感...

  • [高中英语作文] 电视对孩子的影响 The Impact of Television on Children 发表日期:2016-01-21

    With the rapid development of modernization, television becomes a necessity in every house. Recently, a research shows that 95% of children form the habit of watching TV for long hours every day, which makes teachers and parents panic, bec...
