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我最快乐的时光 My Happiest Time

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2015-01-08

If you ask me something about my happiest time, I'll answer like this.


I don't know exactly about my happiest time, because every day I'm living is the happiest time for me. I always keep a good mood. Every day I'm happy at work. When I'm at work, I always do my best, so my boss is satisfied with me. I get on well with my colleagues as well, since I'm always willing to help them. No wonder I have so many friends. That is to say, I am happy when I am working.

我不知道确切的最快乐的时光,因为我活着的每一天都是我最快乐的时光。我总是保持一个好心情。我每天都很快乐的工作。在我工作的时候,我总是努力做 到最好,所以我的老板对我很满意。我和同事相处得很好,因为我总是愿意帮助他们。难怪我有很多的朋友。也就是说,当我工作的时候我很高兴。

What's more, my best friends Phillip and Oscar always speak English with me. Every time, they bring me a very big surprise. They help me a lot. Thanks to their help, my oral English is getting better and better. I don't know how to appreciate them. Keeping learning makes me happy, too.


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