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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2015-03-18

Hello, every one. I am a boy in Class 4 Grade 6. I like reading very much. A good book is a good friend. I often play with this good friend. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will share my spare time with my book happily. Usually my book will tell me some funny stories. Sometimes it shares some thought with me. I can learn a lot from the book. It makes me happy. It makes me sad. It makes me brave. It makes me independent. I love my friend so much. Do you love your friend? Do you love your books? 


Today is my birthday, when I go home after school, I find a big cake in front of me, then my mother and father say happy birthday to me, I feel so surprised and happy. I am 10 year-...[阅读全文]

Dear Miss Liang, 亲爱的梁老师: I am writing tothank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make great progress inmy study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn'...[阅读全文]